The average U.S. citizen may be surprised to know that the common honey bee (
A. mellifera) is not a native bee species to North America. While the importance of the honey bee to agriculture is unquestionable, a number of native insect species also act as pollinators in North America. Carpenter Bees for example, are native bees found in North America as well as a number of cuckoo bees.
Native Bees pollinate crops native to North America including: tomatoes, blueberries, pumpkins, eggplants, and a number of other important crops. While some native bees are social like the honey bee a number of other species live solitary lives or don't construct traditional combs. Much like non-native honey bees a number of these important pollinators are also on the decline. For more information on native bees read
Native Sweat Bee (Agapostemon virescens)
Works Cited:
Native Bees of North America. (2010.). Retrieved March 6, 2015, from